
This page is for discussion and suggestions about our service. Do NOT ask for help regarding our service here, please email
21:02:45 * solo was kicked by EliteBNC (Read the damn info! 1 request per IRC network, assfuck. Stop being stupid! (RUDE KICK earned))

  • When Kappa be on again?

  • Put script in bnc to autologin on X please, if you need help contact me

    • We are not adding ‘scripts’ into the BNC’s. If you are referring to UnderNet’s X, use the *perform module
      /msg *perform add msg login Xusername Xpassword

      We will have a new custom *identify module in the future that will have this as well, but that is a few months away yet.

  • can anyone help me….my account was in Omega :/
    omega is ded and can anyone change it to other…pls :/?

    • Omega: This server could no longer be paid for by the server’s owner. Replacement requests will be available if the EliteBNC service continues. That will be decided on in 36-40 hours from now. [17h 27m ago]

  • So now that omega is down, any way I can transfer my account over?

  • Awesome service!!!

    Any chance to get Push / Colloguy ZNC module available? …To Sigma server, for example? :-)

  • [21:09] !find Roman
    [21:09] User Roman was found on servers: Omega Rho
    [21:09] Roman was Removed from Omega by: Armageddon on 2013/07/02 (duplicate account, only 1 per IRC network allowed. DUPE: Client on Delta, ip:
    [21:09] Roman was Removed from Alpha by: Auto-Removal on 2013/08/05 (idle for 14 days, less than 30 days old. (auto-removal) INFO: accepted: 27d 22h 9m ago)
    [21:09] Yup
    [21:09] make a new request
    [21:10] * EliteBNC sets mode: -b
    [21:12] ok
    [21:13] !request Roman 6667
    [21:13] * EliteBNC sets mode: +b
    [21:13] * You were kicked by EliteBNC (Read the damn info! 1 request per IRC network, assfuck. Stop being stupid! (RUDE KICK earned))
    Session Close: Tue Aug 06 21:13:22 2013

  • Can i have bnc setup for the following irc address?

  • can i have 2bnc’s 1 on and other on ?

  • 2 accounts are not allowed ?

  • I left panic bnc thinking that you werent associated with them. They give out people’s real IPs. Then I found out that Elite does also. You gave out nmy friends real IP. So much for a bouncer account

    • I don’t know where you are getting your information, but that is completely false that we simply “give away” users’ IP’s. The ONLY time we would give out anyone’s IP to ANYONE is when ABUSE happens, and only then if the IRC network asks for it, which rarely happens. Many networks where requesting happens (such as Freenode, EsperNet, QuakeNet, GameSurge) do not mask your IP by default (EsperNet has no masking at all), so blame the IRC network or blame yourself for not getting a cloak if this is the case. You need to stop listening to whoever (and both PanicBNC and us believe we know who) is telling you such crap.

    • Never once has panic given out a real ip so i dont know who you get your facts from but they are completely wrong lily and maybeh your friends should stop impersonating users on frostwire with the reason of getting banned and they wouldnt have to worry about people being after them so next time get your facts straight before you accuse someone of something.

    • EliteBNC only gives out IPs in the case of abuse or if the network requests it. BNCs are not to be used to mask IPs so you can evade bans or break network rules. They are not proxies, or tools for abuse. The only reason why you would be so worked up about this is if you’ve abused the bouncer service and we’ve given out the IP to the network that requested it to stop you from abusing again.

      Remember, using our service is a priviledge, not a right. If you choose to abuse that priviledge, you lose it. We strictly take care of the data that we have so it is kept private, but if you choose to abuse our service, then we have a right to provide your IP and any other details to the network that you abused it on.

      Please don’t blame your own actions on us. We are only doing our job, and if you choose to boycott us based on the fact we’re doing the right thing and you did the wrong thing, then it’s your own problem, not ours.

      Have a nice day.

  • How can I have a BNC?

  • how change ip to ipv6?

  • i want ask i can’t use my account in elitebnc for mirc, can u help me and answer my question because if i want use for chatting on mirc i give message “not conecting always”…
    please help me and give my solution about my trouble, thanks

    • Looks like you have connected to this BNC since you posted this. Any other issues you can always email us at or visit one of our official IRC channels that are listed on the main page of this site.

  • I lost my password from bnc…how find it again ?

  • Miguel Rodriguez

    Just some feedback: Epic BNC, Worthy of the Elite name… Now, to my rant: Fix the *.net domains on your emails and BNCs and stuff. And do you need any volunteers?

    • The .net was changed to .org and fixed on the email sends over a month ago once we had the new domain established. The BNC server software requires updating all the servers, which time hasn’t happened to do the remaining servers due to real life issues of the staff and particularly the server admin who does all of that work. The new servers Lambda, Omega and the new Alpha are updated as of now. We hope to have the others done in the next month when the timing works out to do it all at once and have as little downtime for the users as possible. Right now, it isn’t critical, so no need to get in an uproar about it. Having the servers online is more important.

      As for volunteers, no we are set for now. 2 of the staff were busy with schoolastic obligations until this past week (which I will always expect them to take care of first… EliteBNC isn’t important compared to real life obligations), but they are now back around and able to take care of stuff on a regular basis again. There are 2 others that would be staff next at this point anyways due to their contributions to the service if I felt the need to add someone else.

  • Dear omega (server)
    You have been missed over the past few months. We do welcome you back to our list of servers. Cheers..

  • Welcome back to the elitebnc website. :)

  • Is there a vacancy open for staff ?? I want become a staff member with elite bnc :)

  • Is the Mibbit Chat not working. As the Java isn’t working for me.

  • yetanotherbncuser

    how to add another server (via email)? thnx.

    • Just email with the UserName and BNC server, and the irc.server you want added.. or you can do it from any of our IRC channels with !addserver as long as it is the same IRC network. If you want to change networks, then say that in the email or use /msg *report from your bnc.

  • You guys have the best BNC service and Staff and i wish you all the best for 2013.

    Thank u for the great service :)

  • Is Xi server down? I keep getting a “connection timeout” exception. thank you for you work anyway!

    • The owner of Xi has disappeared and the server wasn’t paid for. We have decided to let it go because of the particular host it was on. Xi users are free to make replacement requests.

  • Hey, I have had a bnc from elite for many months. And I just wanted to show my gratitude for how greatly impressed I am with the astonishing staff and stellar bncs that never let me down and also give me great pleasure never having to worry. If I were to have the money I would want to share it with this incredible non-profit bnc service for all they have done for me. Great thanks, Love and hugs;D ~Brookie

  • Hello. I’m sad to say that I’m moving on from the IRC world. Thank you for the bouncers and hard work. You guys rock. :)

  • Can i change my ident and realname? or is that against the rules?

  • Can an admin reset my pass and send it to me via email ? Thanks. :)

  • I cannot connect to my IRC server from my BNC (my IRC server is> I keep getting Invaild Argument.

  • Omega is down?

  • dear admin

    can i pay for bnc ?


  • lazia adrian

    hi my account is suspend , Hi,

    Your BNC (adi00 on was removed for the following reason: Killed from IRC 5 days ago, not used in 26 days.

    If you feel this is in error, contact the EliteBNC staff in our support channel ( #EliteBNC), or email .

    Please do not reply to this email, staff will not receive it. Thanks!

  • notazengarden


    Having changed my password on the webadmin, I’m now not able to login to the elitebnc server at all – incorrect password. What do I need to do to correct this please? Thanks.

    • You can either leave the username and bnc server here, email it to or join one of the official IRC channels listed on the main page and use !newpass or ask a staff member to reset it.

  • This is one awesome pience of shit ! :D

  • Don´t work DCC: DCC Get of (unable to connect), DCC Xfer Bounce (Arita|Shion): Timeout waiting for incoming connection [].
    Can I do something?

  • Um, I have a weird problem. Whenever i connect to the server I’m using the EliteBNC for, it just disconnects me, shortly after i connect.And it’s like that for a while. Any help ? :)

  • I can’t connect to the server through mibbit, it gives me “ Could not resolve hostname.”

    • “rr” is not an Elite BNC server. You need to add the actual server’s name, which are shown in the Server Status box on the right of this page.. ie:, etc.

    • is the DNS I use as a round robin to share connections between all our relay channels. As this system is quite ineffective, we will be making a new request applet/page/client in a few weeks.

  • (link at top of page) is not working. What servers/networks does #elitebnc use now as official channels as they closed the channel?

  • Alexandre Naves

    a friend of mine was ordering the BNC and was told it this error: Sorry, Currently is suspended for Undernet NETWORK issues. Suspension is set to expire in 1d 16h 5m. For what reason it happens?

    • Some of UnderNet’s servers have suddenly started refusing our BNC’s… here is the message:
      ****** by (Sorry, your connection class is full – try again later or try another server)

      We are not sure if UnderNet changed the session limit per IP or are filtering the BNC IP ranges, but it has effected all of our BNC servers. It mostly seems to be the Tampa.* Undernet server. I’m just giving the network a couple of days suspension until we are sure what is going on. Sorry about the inconvenience. Most likely, we will continue to add additional UnderNet servers to new accounts and remove Tampa.* from that list.

  • I’m still learning from you, as I’m making my way to the top as well. I absolutely liked reading everything that is posted on your site. Keep the articles coming. I loved it!

  • Yes, no more connection resets or ping timeouts every 30 minutes! :DDD

  • A lot of of the responses on this blog page dont make sense.

  • Hello, I just stopped by to visit your website and thought I’d say I had a great visit.

  • But i want to tell that this is extremely helpful, Thanks for taking your time to write this.

  • Hello guys,

    I’ve been searching for a decent BNC hoster for a while now.
    It seems loads of hoster quit hosting BNC’s due to the knows issues, so I just want to say I am damn glad you guys keep on going!

    Keep up the great work :D

  • Your service has been much useful :) And the site is pretty good, Thanks guys :D

  • Nice BNC review website you have going here. You are hitting the spot by commenting on all the other providers and have more content about them than your own service, you know there is something wrong when that is the case!

    • 1) Generally, it’s only about one service, not all, because this particular service has a history of provoking/attacking us first. Therefore, we respond to let the users know what is happening, and also to show the commitment we make to our service to do our best and be transparent.
      2) If you actually read everything, then NO… we are definitely talking about our own service first. Why would we make someone else a priority? Only if it was for an extremely important reason, which can happen… and I would not be biased if it was truly important.
      3) Mr. P, since obviously this is you, knowing your history of using female nicks, just say so and make your point openly. I have to admit, our staff is tired of your BS, but I am letting it slide anymore. There is a reason why I never replied to your email… it’s because I really don’t care now. You have made your choices, shown who you really are, done the things with your service I wouldn’t do. That is on you. You call me arrogant, but seriously what do you call yourself? “King”… “superior”… lol. I know what most people on IRC say. Maybe I am a bit cocky, but mostly I chalk it up to experience. My experience tends to prove to be correct far more times than not.
      4) Truth be totally known here, I knew the moment I was going to quit your service. You wasted money on an IRC domain when you KNEW there were BNC servers to be paid for, and one in serious trouble at that time. Donators’ money!! Seriously?? Get a clue about what you should make priority. That money was intended for the service, not your “spur of the moment” fancy. Talk about being arrogant… -_-

      Just so you know, as another gesture of our openess to everyone, I have invited Russell (owner of BNC4FREE) into our staff room as an official observer. We have nothing to hide.

      Good day to you. I can only hope you take some of this into consideration.

    • One last thing… if we are not important, why are you reading our site every single day, copying our ideas, and so forth? I guess we are doing something right… *shrugs*

    • To be honest with you, Mr P, as we know it is you, we are tired of your constant hassling and attempts at defacing this service. I could paste every one of your jests here, but I’m not going to bother. The entire purpose of our REPLIES is because we have a commitment to our service’s integrity and also our users, and we are speaking out against the false information laid out about us. De facto, if you and your service stopped hassling us, we would never be saying anything relating to the service you speak of.

      Also, as Robby stated, we are focusing on our service first, not any other free BNC services. However, as you seem to believe that we care less about our service than others, I will say that providing our users with the best service we can give is our priority, and whether you believe that or not is entirely up to you. Even so, I will kindly ask you to stop your harassment and accusations, because they ARE false, and that is not what any free provider should be like. So please, for sake of everyone’s services, leave us alone; all the staff and users are tired of your BS.

      To anyone else reading this post, here is a small part of what has been sent to us: (original filename was called “lolelitebnc.png”, but the site it was hosted on was taken down to prevent us from showing it to others)

      We were also sent an email, which we did not reply to, because we did not care enough to write a response and waste time on it. If you still are wondering why we never replied, there’s your reason right there, Mr P. As I have said many times, we would rather focus on our own service and help our users. While we have commented on the actions/words of ONE other provider, it has been for the reasons that Robby and I have mentioned. There is no malicious intent behind our actions and words, but if you attack us, we will justify our actions and defend ourselves.

      I do hope you take our words into consideration, have a nice day and thank you for your uninteresting input.

    • “Nice BNC review website you have going here.”

      Where’s the review? The Definition of a review is “A critical evaluation” or “A retrospective view or survey”. I dont see these things here..

      “You are hitting the spot by commenting on all the other providers and have more content about them than your own service”

      I could list and name a ton of other providers but i won’t, having looked through every page of the site i dont see any reference to any other bouncer provider in terms of naming them nor do i see much reference to any other provider in general. What i do see is alot of information explaining how brilliant features of their service are such as support and many other things. I also believe that there is more content regarding EliteBNC on this site atleast im failing to miss the sidebar full of the content and every other page.

      “you know there is something wrong when that is the case!”

      Yes, you know there is something wrong when you comment on a site without the full facts and inflate your story with pointless lies in an act of jealousy. My advice would to be give up.

  • Henrietta C. Patten

    hey hey!! this is a very nice website here and I just wanted to comment & say that you’ve done a great job here! Very nice choice of colors & layout, very easy on the eyes.. Nicely done!…

  • hahaha :) congrats for EliteBNC

  • **** yeah! :p Let’s get this running!

  • You mean I can’t say ****?
    Oh ****! Well **** it! Okay, be nice kiddos! :grin:

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